Providing an attractive external finish to the building, rainscreen cladding systems offer a number of benefits as a construction solution. Suitable for both masonry and steel-frame builds, clients across the commercial and public sectors are increasingly specifying rainscreen systems for both new build and refurbishment projects; and Sage BEC (formerly Sage Roofing) is up there as an approved installer with a wealth of experience in the field. Equally as important as the cladding, is the insulation for the building. Using our knowledge within the field, we have established the best materials to provide for our clients as detailed below.
Rainscreen Insulation
Our choice of insulation is based upon a combination of quality of product, durability and its impact on the environment. The primary insulation that we use is Kingspan K15 Koolthern as it is a carefully considered choice when regarding the above reasons. This material offers many benefits over its competitors, such as premium performance insulation with excellent thermal conductivity (0.020-0.022 W/mK), whilst the insulation also carries a Class O / low risk fire rating. The product emulates Sage’s environmental philosophy; being manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero O-zone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming Potential (GWP). There is no compromise in quality either; in fact, the closed cell structure of the insulation is not only designed for low fire risk, but it also resists both moisture and water vapour ingress; a problem that can normally be associated with open cell materials such as mineral fibre, and which can result in reduced thermal performance. Another benefit of this product over Mineral Fibre is its resistance to air movement – it is completely unaffected. Its compact cell structure provides this advantage; and consequently improves the thermal performance. Being non-fibrous it is safe and easy to install whilst providing long term thermal performance over the lifetime of the building.
These significant benefits; as well as efficient installation, being versatile and visually aesthetically pleasing means rainscreen cladding will undoubtedly increase in popularity and use. To ensure we offer the best long-term value, choosing the right insulation is absolutely critical to Sage BEC. We will continue to familiarise ourselves with all the latest, best performing and environmentally friendly products on the market to guarantee our clients get the very best products that are available to them.
If you are looking for a cladding contractor in the West Midlands, speak to our team today!