There are a multitude of different commercial cladding systems & Sage has valuable experience in delivering a wide range of different options to our clients.
The Project
The Stourbridge College was built using a range of cladding systems. The unique rhombus shape, Sarnafil Single ply roofing, glass panel building was carefully constructed and designed to add a modern feel. At Sage, we have valuable experience in delivering a wide selection of different designs and construction options for our clients. This particular system required the panels to be ‘secret fixed’ which meant that the panels were installed without any rivets or bolts showing from the outside. The college campus was successfully completed on time, with our clients more than pleased with the newly modernised commercial building.
Project Details
Stourbridge College
SF 500 secret fix to main areas, Sarna single ply on plant areas, cappings.
BAM Construction Ltd

Investors in People – Our training and development plan, company and job procedures, quality control, health and safety and supplier assessment, all form part of our IIP recognition. Further details of the IIP programme may be found on the IIP web site which may be found by clicking on the logo.

Achilles Building Confidence is one of the most in depth construction accreditation standards available; and Sage BEC is qualified to level 5 – the highest level of competence available. The service is designed to meet the increasingly demanding legislative and risk management requirements of construction clients. The rigorous audit process ensures compliance from all aspects of the business including company systems, health & safety, sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and labour compliance. This scheme is developed in line with best practice across the industry, something which Sage BEC are dedicated towards

Sage BEC takes responsibility for the greenhouse gases we cannot avoid emitting by using the Climatecare offset calculator to determine how many tonnes of CO2 we produce in our trading year. To achieve Carbon Neutral status we pay Climatecare to reduce the equivalent amount of CO2 in another part of the world by investing that money into emission reduction projects replacing fuel hungry inefficient technologies with efficient low-carbon technologies in developing countries. Take a look at the Climatecare website to see the advances being made; from the simple provision of efficient cooking stoves to full blown wind and hydro power schemes.

The Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT )is a leading information provider and trainer in the field of building envelopes and glazing. They provide a wide range of advice and information to the industry with the assistance of its members, and through our own membership, we hope to not only gain improved technical information and knowledge relating to building envelopes, but use our own experience to share this information with others in the industry, creating a much improved workflow.

The ISO standard is an internationally recognised accreditation based on the quality of a business’s management system in a certain field. ISO 14001 is focussed around the environmental aspects of the organisation, with the core principle of continual improvement being the driving force behind environmental development. Through achieving certification of this standard; Sage BEC has illustrated a comprehensive environmental plan which is integrated into our principles as a company, and will continue to feature heavily in our progressive growth within the Roofing & Cladding Industry.