Sustainable works are essential. We know we can deliver the highest quality work whilst keeping our environmental impact as low as possible.
A sustainable culture will benefit us all and we are happy to support this within our industry sector. New products are coming to market and legislation is encouraging this improvement, and we intend to offer these services and sustainable roof materials to our clients. Sage BEC is a carbon neutral company. We buy carbon credits each year to offset the approximate 42 tonnes we produce in supplying our product. We are ISO 14001 accredited with a fully integrated environmental management system to ensure that we reduce our carbon footprint as a business.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the duty of an organisation to give back to society and the ecology whilst building a sustainable future for the environment that it may effect. For Sage BEC, the key aspect of this is ‘Sustainability’. We feel that the ethos of our CSR should be built within our business model and adhered to by our patrons; so we actively take measures to ensure that the ideas that we initiate for CSR develop into sustainable projects and function as a key component of Sage BEC’s Ideology.

Sage ‘Reefing’
Ecological sustainability is an important factor across the construction industry and this can be justifiably reasoned. It is vital, therefore, to consider ways in which we can benefit long term sustainability through various projects and development schemes. Sage BEC endorses a coral reef rejuvenation scheme based off the coast of the Maldives; whereby coral reefing is stimulated into growth by human intervention in a schematic approach to rebuild this underwater forestation. This therefore will have a hugely positive effect upon the eco-system around the reef in terms of repopulating marine life. Keep an eye on our blog to witness the development of this scheme.

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
Sage have various carbon-reducing systems in place designed to minimise our carbon footprint as a business. We actively encourage our staff to consider their printing requirements with a genuine target to reduce all paper consumption by 50% of current use by 2022. Around 30% of our office power consumption is from renewable resources.

Fully accredited to ISO 14001
Certification for the internationally recognised accreditation of ISO 14001:2015 indicates our current environmental commitments and future aspirations in the reduction of environmental waste & carbon emissions, whilst managing greater environmental awareness and an enduring sustainability plan. We have incorporated this into our existing business model to ensure that we can offer a long term solution to environmental challenges within our industry without compromising the quality of the service that we offer. We are currently operating as a carbon neutral entity and are advocates of carbon reducing materials within the industry such as thermal insulation, solar Photovoltaic Panelling & Sedum roofing, with the ambition to promote the sustainable advantage of these products for organisations and businesses alike.

Use of Fair-Trade Consumables and Eco-Friendly Produce
Even the smaller efforts can make a real difference in the scheme of things; and Sage BEC vow to improve our economic impact in whichever ways we can. Using Fair-trade products is a simple measure to aid other economies’ growth; as well as considering recycled stationary and simple measures like reducing our energy consumption through insulation, keeping the heating system on an appropriate timer and other small measures to reduce our environmental impact. We will continue to keep ourselves at the forefront of forward thinking with regards to environmental impact and consider different ways of offering improved sustainability for the world that we affect. By considering our environmental impact and understanding our responsibility as a business; we can continue to reduce our impact and advocate methods of energy reduction within the industry.